Tuesday 6 August 2013

Forced to Rest

The last few months I've been pretty tough on myself. In addition to the usual working hard, there's been two different 48 hour film competitions, a pageant type art competition on deviantArt, tonnes of walking, skipping the gym and yoyo-ing on and off (again and again) a gluten free diet. This all culminated in the worst cough I have had in a long time, and a few days off work.

The days off were almost stay-cation like (except for the coughing, hacking and dying part!) and recharged my batteries as well as reminding me to actually look after myself. With constantly tense shoulders, I could do with a bit more of the relaxing I had in the last week.

My ways to relax:

  • An engaging book and a hot drink. The book I read while off sick wasn't particularly thought provoking (a workmate had just lent me Fifty Shades of Grey - terrible book), but the act of putting aside time for me and a book was great.
  • A trip down nostalgia lane. I purchased Final Fantasy VII PC edition during the Steam Summer Sale and had a chance to play that between bouts of sleep. This game was first released in 1997, and I played it extensively during 2000. With an decent plot line and endearing characters, playing it through again isn't so much of a mission as it was the first time(s) around.
  • Digital art, but slowly. Entering the pageant mentioned above, I have been in a rush each time to finish on time. This time around, I'm pacing myself and tackling the project more as art for me, rather than a competition entry. So far it is looking great!
  • Pinterest. I just adore Pinterest and love winding down while flicking through pages of beautiful home decor, inspirational quotes and funny pictures. You can find me on Pinterest lurking here. Not so great when trying to get away from screens right before bed though!
  • Meditation and relaxation techniques. I had been vaguely interested in meditation in the past, and participated in the Oprah & Deepak Choprah 21 Day Meditation Challenge in April about living in perfect health. While I strayed off the path and having been meditating as much as I'd like, I've been inspired to meditate in the mornings with their latest meditation challenge offering; Miraculous Relationships. Sounds a little bit airy-fairy but the first week is focused on loving yourself, with such centering thoughts as "I am a radiant spiritual being.". It's currently up to day 2 of 21 (and you can see previous days meditations for up to 5 days after posting). If you want to join in, visit chopracentermeditation.com

With my ways to relax out there, I want to know what you do to relax!


Monday 29 July 2013

Hello World!

I have wanted to delete my original trial blog for a while now - I wasn't particularly keen on the name or domain, and didn't really love it enough to continue onward.

So, without any further ado, this is the new home of Gemma; girl, geek, gamer, graphic designer. As time goes on, and I familiarize myself with Blogger more, I will put up a more descriptive "about me" section!

And to hook everything up with Bloglovin, my favourite thing in the world right now:
Follow my blog on Bloglovin

Bloglovin collects together all the blogs you follow, displays them in an easy to read format almost like emails and makes it super easy to like posts and find other blogs to your liking ;) The amount of blogs I now remember to actually visit regularly and read has increased tenfold!

Let's start an awesome adventure,